By Ana Chan
近日網上揭露了美國疾控中心及 Bill Gates Foundation 分別將實驗室調配出動物傳人的冠狀病毒方程式申請專利。 繼而又有主流傳媒反駁該等猜測是無理,因爲申請專利的冠狀病毒跟今次的武漢肺炎有排序上的不同。
Bill Gates 分別於 2015年及2017年曾在三個公開演講場合中警告過,「無論是大自然的惡作劇還是拜恐怖份子所賜,流行病學家都認爲全球將在未來 10 至 15 年間經歷一場透過空氣傳染得飛快的大疫症,可在一年内令超過 3,000萬人喪命。」
兩年多過後,Bill Gates Foundation 聯同 John Hopkins 公共安全中心及世界經濟論壇在 2019 年 10 月 18 日召開了一個名爲 Event 201 的國際會議,由 Pandemic Emergency Board* (流行病應急委員會)主持。
*委員包括: Bill & Melinda Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, John Hopkins University, UN Foundation, UPS Foundation, Former US Deputy National Security Advisor, ANZ Bank, Lufthansa Group, World Bank Group, Marriot International, Henry Schein (medical supply), NBCUniversal Media, Edelman (PR & marketing), Monetary Authority of Singapore, US CDC, China CDC
Event 201 的内容是純粹一個定期的模擬討論? 與今次武漢肺炎事件究竟是另一個巧合? 還是一次實際演習?
以下是 Event 201 官網提供的剪輯片段,及重點翻譯:
近日網上揭露了美國疾控中心及 Bill Gates Foundation 分別將實驗室調配出動物傳人的冠狀病毒方程式申請專利。 繼而又有主流傳媒反駁該等猜測是無理,因爲申請專利的冠狀病毒跟今次的武漢肺炎有排序上的不同。
Bill Gates 分別於 2015年及2017年曾在三個公開演講場合中警告過,「無論是大自然的惡作劇還是拜恐怖份子所賜,流行病學家都認爲全球將在未來 10 至 15 年間經歷一場透過空氣傳染得飛快的大疫症,可在一年内令超過 3,000萬人喪命。」
兩年多過後,Bill Gates Foundation 聯同 John Hopkins 公共安全中心及世界經濟論壇在 2019 年 10 月 18 日召開了一個名爲 Event 201 的國際會議,由 Pandemic Emergency Board* (流行病應急委員會)主持。
*委員包括: Bill & Melinda Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, John Hopkins University, UN Foundation, UPS Foundation, Former US Deputy National Security Advisor, ANZ Bank, Lufthansa Group, World Bank Group, Marriot International, Henry Schein (medical supply), NBCUniversal Media, Edelman (PR & marketing), Monetary Authority of Singapore, US CDC, China CDC
Event 201 的内容是純粹一個定期的模擬討論? 與今次武漢肺炎事件究竟是另一個巧合? 還是一次實際演習?
以下是 Event 201 官網提供的剪輯片段,及重點翻譯:
Introduction 簡介
It began in healthy looking pigs, months, perhaps years ago, a new Corona virus spreads silently within herds. Gradually farmers started getting sick; infected people got a respiratory illness with symptoms ranging from mild flu like signs to severe pneumonia. The sickest required intensive care. Many died.
病毒從起初看來仍很健壯的豬隻開始傳開。 或許只有幾個月,也可能是幾年前就已經醖釀,一種新型的冠狀病毒從畜群中靜靜傳播開去。 最初是農民染病,受感染人士會有呼吸道疾病,症狀由輕度流感到嚴重肺炎不等。 情況最嚴重的患者需要入住加護病房,然而,死亡個案衆多。
Experts agree unless it is quickly controlled, it could lead to a severe pandemic, an outbreak that circles the globe and affects people everywhere.
The Board is comprised of highly experienced leaders from business, public health and civil society. We could be looking at double the number of cases in one week and 16 times as many in a month, if we are not able to stop the spread. That would be on the order of half a million cases, and it would continue to rise exponentially. In three months, we could be approaching 10 million cases.
委員會由經驗豐富的商界、公共衛生及民間組織的領導人組成。 如果無法阻止病毒蔓延,我們可能會在一周內見到 2 倍新增病例,一個月内就有 16 倍,這代表著500,000 宗感染個案,而且還會繼續呈指數級增長。 三個月內,我們可能需要處理10,000,000 個案例。
When the start of what's looking like it will be a severe pandemic, and there are problems emerging that can only be solved by global business and governments working together.
Scenario Epilogue 結尾語
The outcome of the CAPS pandemic and Event 201 was catastrophic. 65 million people died in the first 18 months. The outbreak was small at first and initially seemed controllable, but then it started spreading in densely crowded and impoverished neighborhoods of mega cities. From that point on, the spread of the disease was explosive. Within 6 months, cases were occurring in nearly every country.
該社區傳播疫症及 Event 201 所得出的結果是災難性的。 單是頭 18 個月已經有 6,500 萬人死亡。 疫情初期規模不大,最初以爲是可控的,但隨即開始在人口密集的地區及大城市的貧困社區中蔓延。 自此,病毒以爆發性的速度傳播。 6 個月內差不多全球各國都有確診病例。
The global economy was in a free fall; the GDP down 11%; stock markets around the world plummeted between 20 and 40% and headed into a downward cycle of fear and low expectation. Businesses were not borrowing; banks were not lending; everyone was just hoping to hunker down and weather the storm. Economists say the economic turmoil caused by such a pandemic will last for years, perhaps a decade.
全球經濟急劇下滑; 國內生產總值下降 11%; 全球股市暴跌 20 至 40%,並進入恐慌及看淡的下行週期。 企業無法貸款; 銀行拒絕放貸; 所有人只是希望躲在家中避過難關。 經濟學家稱,此疫症引起的經濟動盪將持續數年,甚至 10 年。
The societal impacts the loss of faith in government, the distrust of news and the breakdown of social cohesion could last even longer. We have to ask: did this need to be so bad? Are there things we could have done in the 5 to 10 years leading up to the pandemic that would have lessened the catastrophic consequences? We believe the answer is yes. So, are we, as a global community, now finally ready to do the hard work needed to prepare for the next pandemic?
對社會的影響可能持續更長時間, 包括:令人對政府喪失信心、不再信任新聞,及社會凝聚力崩潰等。 我們不得不問: 真的會那麼糟糕嗎? 在疫症前的 5 至 10 年中,我們可有做過些什麼來減低災難性的後果嗎? 我們相信答案是肯定的。 那麼身為全球社區中的一份子,現在是否已為應對下一次大疫症所需的艱苦工作做好準備呢?
Introduction 簡介
It began in healthy looking pigs, months, perhaps years ago, a new Corona virus spreads silently within herds. Gradually farmers started getting sick; infected people got a respiratory illness with symptoms ranging from mild flu like signs to severe pneumonia. The sickest required intensive care. Many died.
病毒從起初看來仍很健壯的豬隻開始傳開。 或許只有幾個月,也可能是幾年前就已經醖釀,一種新型的冠狀病毒從畜群中靜靜傳播開去。 最初是農民染病,受感染人士會有呼吸道疾病,症狀由輕度流感到嚴重肺炎不等。 情況最嚴重的患者需要入住加護病房,然而,死亡個案衆多。
Experts agree unless it is quickly controlled, it could lead to a severe pandemic, an outbreak that circles the globe and affects people everywhere.
The Board is comprised of highly experienced leaders from business, public health and civil society. We could be looking at double the number of cases in one week and 16 times as many in a month, if we are not able to stop the spread. That would be on the order of half a million cases, and it would continue to rise exponentially. In three months, we could be approaching 10 million cases.
委員會由經驗豐富的商界、公共衛生及民間組織的領導人組成。 如果無法阻止病毒蔓延,我們可能會在一周內見到 2 倍新增病例,一個月内就有 16 倍,這代表著500,000 宗感染個案,而且還會繼續呈指數級增長。 三個月內,我們可能需要處理10,000,000 個案例。
When the start of what's looking like it will be a severe pandemic, and there are problems emerging that can only be solved by global business and governments working together.
Scenario Epilogue 結尾語
The outcome of the CAPS pandemic and Event 201 was catastrophic. 65 million people died in the first 18 months. The outbreak was small at first and initially seemed controllable, but then it started spreading in densely crowded and impoverished neighborhoods of mega cities. From that point on, the spread of the disease was explosive. Within 6 months, cases were occurring in nearly every country.
該社區傳播疫症及 Event 201 所得出的結果是災難性的。 單是頭 18 個月已經有 6,500 萬人死亡。 疫情初期規模不大,最初以爲是可控的,但隨即開始在人口密集的地區及大城市的貧困社區中蔓延。 自此,病毒以爆發性的速度傳播。 6 個月內差不多全球各國都有確診病例。
The global economy was in a free fall; the GDP down 11%; stock markets around the world plummeted between 20 and 40% and headed into a downward cycle of fear and low expectation. Businesses were not borrowing; banks were not lending; everyone was just hoping to hunker down and weather the storm. Economists say the economic turmoil caused by such a pandemic will last for years, perhaps a decade.
全球經濟急劇下滑; 國內生產總值下降 11%; 全球股市暴跌 20 至 40%,並進入恐慌及看淡的下行週期。 企業無法貸款; 銀行拒絕放貸; 所有人只是希望躲在家中避過難關。 經濟學家稱,此疫症引起的經濟動盪將持續數年,甚至 10 年。
The societal impacts the loss of faith in government, the distrust of news and the breakdown of social cohesion could last even longer. We have to ask: did this need to be so bad? Are there things we could have done in the 5 to 10 years leading up to the pandemic that would have lessened the catastrophic consequences? We believe the answer is yes. So, are we, as a global community, now finally ready to do the hard work needed to prepare for the next pandemic?
對社會的影響可能持續更長時間, 包括:令人對政府喪失信心、不再信任新聞,及社會凝聚力崩潰等。 我們不得不問: 真的會那麼糟糕嗎? 在疫症前的 5 至 10 年中,我們可有做過些什麼來減低災難性的後果嗎? 我們相信答案是肯定的。 那麼身為全球社區中的一份子,現在是否已為應對下一次大疫症所需的艱苦工作做好準備呢?
回看昨天(2020年1月27日年初三)梁卓偉醫生在記者會上公佈的數據,他指出感染案例快速增長,由 1 月 11 日起武漢確診 41 例,僅兩個禮拜已激增至 1 月 25 日共 2,000 例(1月28日截稿前已達 4,000 宗)。 梁醫生估計,包括潛在仍未發現的染病者應該已有 100,000 人。
再回顧 Event 201 推算的增長速度: “一周內見到 2 倍新增病例,一個月内就有 16 倍”! 不幸地,目前見到的數據,遠比 Event 201 估計的竟然還要嚴重多倍 – 兩周内由 41 例升至 2,000 例,是超過 48 倍!
再回顧 Event 201 推算的增長速度: “一周內見到 2 倍新增病例,一個月内就有 16 倍”! 不幸地,目前見到的數據,遠比 Event 201 估計的竟然還要嚴重多倍 – 兩周内由 41 例升至 2,000 例,是超過 48 倍!
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 在流行病及疫苗上的角色已衆所周知,在此便不多説。 而有份出資及夥拍這 Event 201 的單位也殊不簡單,John Hopkins Center 的主要人員同時也是 NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information - 國家生物技術資訊中心) 的顧問委員會要員,負責向美國政府的 NIH (National Institute of Health - 國家衛生研究院) 提供研究數據。
雖然 John Hopkins Center 是爲了研究生物武器及人類的反應而成立,儘管如此,目前不應猜測他們這 Event 201 是否與今次的新型肺炎有關,但另一個與它有關的巧合也相當有趣: 今次新型肺炎多個國家和地區都不能幸免,唯獨西藏。
而 NCBI 對西藏人的基因排序卻進行了多年的研究,他們發現西藏人的基因與漢族人的有一些不同,西藏人不但爲了適應高原環境而產生了基因變異,西藏人的 DNA 更顯示他們有 6% 非現代人類的特性,就如 Neanderthal (尼安德特) 和 Denisovan (德尼索萬)人的血統一樣,表示他們的祖先是來自約 62,000 至 38,000 年前,比上一次冰河時期還要早。
新型肺炎是瞄準漢族中國人? 還是多次巧合中的其中一次而已?
注: 非漢族基因并非代表完全沒有機會感染,而暫時各地染病的依然是源自武漢的人;數據亦只是截至2020年1月28日爲止,本文旨在報導已知事實,讀者宜自行判斷當中蘊含的可能性。
雖然 John Hopkins Center 是爲了研究生物武器及人類的反應而成立,儘管如此,目前不應猜測他們這 Event 201 是否與今次的新型肺炎有關,但另一個與它有關的巧合也相當有趣: 今次新型肺炎多個國家和地區都不能幸免,唯獨西藏。
而 NCBI 對西藏人的基因排序卻進行了多年的研究,他們發現西藏人的基因與漢族人的有一些不同,西藏人不但爲了適應高原環境而產生了基因變異,西藏人的 DNA 更顯示他們有 6% 非現代人類的特性,就如 Neanderthal (尼安德特) 和 Denisovan (德尼索萬)人的血統一樣,表示他們的祖先是來自約 62,000 至 38,000 年前,比上一次冰河時期還要早。
新型肺炎是瞄準漢族中國人? 還是多次巧合中的其中一次而已?
注: 非漢族基因并非代表完全沒有機會感染,而暫時各地染病的依然是源自武漢的人;數據亦只是截至2020年1月28日爲止,本文旨在報導已知事實,讀者宜自行判斷當中蘊含的可能性。