研究外星科技及生命進程的第一步,當然要讀 Philip J. Corso 的 Dawn of a New Age。
Philip Corso 希望孫兒及其他被蒙在鼓裏的人能知道真相,一心把所知所見的天大秘密公諸於世,但其出版的第一本書籍 The Day After Roswell 被官方人員刪改了内容,令他深深不忿。 結果,他放棄主流出版方式,自行用打字機一字一行的把真相呈現出來。 文中除了講述1947年UFO在儸玆威爾墜毀一事之外,隨後他所接到的任務及研究成果才是令你眼界大開的關鍵。
“…“Dawn Of A New Age”, I had no intentions to put out this book. This one here [holding a book] is all in my dad’s original handwriting. Part of it is in typing and part of it is in handwriting. What it really [contains] is the original notes. The original notes without Hollywood involved is what the people really wanted. They don’t want it edited. But it reads like a textbook, in other words. It’s a manual…. Well, Dad went through “The Day After Roswell” and was yellow lining everything that he didn’t say and didn’t like. He got half way through it and quit because it was impossible. He had almost every page blacked out… This book [The Day After Roswell], my dad was really very upset about it… he did not proofread it.”
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