Written and translated by Ana Chan
在商品經濟鋪天蓋地的浪潮中,各式各樣的個人護理產品琳琅滿目,標簽上也好像詳列了各種成份,一派盡是光明磊落、誠實可靠的態度! 然而,有些名字連字典也查不出來,加上現代人生活繁忙,選擇產品都以方便爲主,哪有時間去了解那些成份的好與壞?! 換句話說,即使是破壞神經系統、令我們荷爾蒙失調,甚至致癌,我們都願意付出這些代價來換取方便嗎? 是成份的名稱被弄得過份複雜,打退了查找真相的動機? 還是認爲產品中這些化學物質僅是少量而已,不足爲害吧?!
在商品經濟鋪天蓋地的浪潮中,各式各樣的個人護理產品琳琅滿目,標簽上也好像詳列了各種成份,一派盡是光明磊落、誠實可靠的態度! 然而,有些名字連字典也查不出來,加上現代人生活繁忙,選擇產品都以方便爲主,哪有時間去了解那些成份的好與壞?! 換句話說,即使是破壞神經系統、令我們荷爾蒙失調,甚至致癌,我們都願意付出這些代價來換取方便嗎? 是成份的名稱被弄得過份複雜,打退了查找真相的動機? 還是認爲產品中這些化學物質僅是少量而已,不足爲害吧?!
可是,我認爲這是一種生活態度! 我付了錢買回來的產品,至少也得讓我知道你給了我什麽吧?! 如果我知道裏面的化學物質對我造成的影響,無論好壞,選擇與否是我的決定。 當然,選擇是否甘心被騙,也是另一類選擇吧!
雖然研發化妝品的化學家聲稱,自然存在的物質與合成衍生的化學物質之間是沒有區別,但這只是表面的説法! 以薰衣草精油為例,存在於薰衣草的天然物質能幫助治療燒傷的皮膚,但在實驗室中生產的薰衣草精油,它可能在氣味、顔色、稀稠度都跟天然的精油無異,但卻不會像真正的薰衣草有天然癒合的作用。
雖然研發化妝品的化學家聲稱,自然存在的物質與合成衍生的化學物質之間是沒有區別,但這只是表面的説法! 以薰衣草精油為例,存在於薰衣草的天然物質能幫助治療燒傷的皮膚,但在實驗室中生產的薰衣草精油,它可能在氣味、顔色、稀稠度都跟天然的精油無異,但卻不會像真正的薰衣草有天然癒合的作用。
還有一些巧妙的營銷手法,把某些有害成份描述為 “從椰子中提取”("derived from coconut"),這與事實也相差太遠了吧! 事實上,椰子油與 coco DEA(cocamide diethanolamine - 椰油酸二乙醇胺)是兩碼子的事,所謂 coco DEA 是首先將椰子油轉換成脂肪酸,然後讓這些脂肪酸對一種稱爲二乙醇胺(diethanolamine)的環氧乙烷衍生物(ethylene oxide derivative)產生反應而得來的。 環氧乙烷是一種劇毒氣體,其產物本身已是致癌物質,它也可以與亞硝酸鹽化合物(nitrite-based compounds)產生反應,而形成同樣可致癌的亞硝胺(nitrosamines),一般用作添加在食品及飲料中。 所以,這個聲稱根本就等於把糞便說成是天然食品衍生而來的原理無異! 如果我這樣跟你介紹產品,你覺得有沒有被騙?!
而天然椰子油是沒有致癌性的! 如果要說是從什麽什麽植物提取而來的,恐怕只有以滴漏法或以浸製法得來的精油才能符合其所指的真正意義吧! 所以,當你在標簽上看到有產品聲稱他們的 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 是由棕櫚油和椰子油衍生而來的("derived from palm oil and coconut oil"),你現在就知道這些其實是化學品。
為方便大家對照和辨識標簽上的化學名稱,及了解各種有毒成份,以下由 A-Z 排列出最常見的 Toxic Ingredients:
為方便大家對照和辨識標簽上的化學名稱,及了解各種有毒成份,以下由 A-Z 排列出最常見的 Toxic Ingredients:
Toxic Ingredient List
1, 4-Dioxane(二惡烷)乃致癌污染物;近半數含有乙氧基化表面活性劑的化妝品均含有二惡烷
A carcinogenic contaminant of cosmetic products. Almost 50% of cosmetic containing ethoxylated surfactants were found to contain dioxane. (See Ethoxylated surfactants).
化學品安全説明書(MSDS)已將 1,4-Dioxane 列爲致癌物
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): 1,4-Dioxane may exert its effects through inhalation, skin absorption, and ingestion. 1,4-Dioxane is listed as a carcinogen.
Effects of overexposure: 1,4-Dioxane is an eye and mucous membrane irritant, primary skin irritant, central nervous system depressant, nephrotoxin, and hepatotoxin. Acute exposure causes irritation, headache, dizziness, and narcosis. Chronic inhalation exposure can produce damage to the liver and kidneys, and blood disorders. Medical condition aggravated by exposure preclude from exposure those individuals with disease of the blood, liver, kidneys, central nervous system, and those susceptible to dermatitis.
2-bromo-2-nitroprpane-1,3-diol (Bronopol)(溴硝丙二醇)
Toxic causes allergic contact dermatitis
(See Nitrasating agents)
Acetate(醋酸酯)– amyl, butyl, ethyl and propyl acetate
All the acetates occur naturally in various fruits that give it their distinctive smells, and are used as solvents in nail varnishes and as part of the scents of many perfumes. They are all neurotoxic in varying degrees. It can cause dryness and cracking of the skin, headaches, fatigue and chest pain.
Aluminium chlorohydrate(水合氫化鋁)
一般為體香劑及止汗劑的活性成分。對皮膚有刺激性,可引起毛囊感染。 臨床流行病學雜誌的一項研究顯示,使用含鋁鹽的止汗劑可直接增加患上老人痴呆症的風險。
This is the active component in many deodorants and antiperspirants. It is noted as a human skin irritant and can cause hair follicles infection. The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology noted a study showing that an increase in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease was directly related to the use of aluminium-based antiperspirants.
Ammonium lauryl sulfate(十二烷基硫酸銨)
用於洗髮水的表面活性劑;逐漸被推廣為 sodium lauryl sulfate 的替代品,但這基本上只是一個營銷策略,純粹因爲在 Draize Tests(由眼睛接觸化學物質來測試過敏反應)中顯示對皮膚的刺激較低;這並非在經過測試後證明它不含毒性,而是此化學物仍未正式被測試。
A surfactant used in shampoos. Increasingly being marketed as a natural substitute for sodium lauryl sulfate. This is basically a marketing ploy. It may be slightly lower in terms of skin irritation in draize tests and hardly any data exist about other toxicities. So it is not that it has been tested and shown to be non-toxic, it hasn’t been properly tested. Marketeers of shampoos using sodium lauryl sulfate have argued that because ammonium lauryl sulfate uses ammonium (as in ammonia), rather than sodium (as in salt) it is much more dangerous. More testing should be done with this ingredient.
Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40)(異丙基·苯基甲酮)
A very drying and irritating solvent and dehydrator that strips your skin’s natural acid mantle, making us more vulnerable to bacteria, moulds and viruses. It is made from propylene, a petroleum derivative. It may promote brown spots and premature ageing.
Ammonium Laureth & Lauryl Sulphate (ALES & ALS)
(十二酯硫酸胺 及 十二烷基硫酸銨)
See Anionic Surfactants
See Sodium Laureth Sulphate
See Nitrosating Agents
Anionic Surfactants(陰離子表面活性劑)
一種陰離子表面活性劑,並可能受到致癌的亞硝胺污染;這種表面活性劑可對健康構成嚴重威脅,它一般是用作汽車清潔劑,車庫地面清潔劑及引擎除油劑----但卻同時在 90% 的個人護理產品中用作起泡劑。
Anionic refers to the negative charge these surfactants have. They may be contaminated with nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic. Surfactants can pose serious heatlh threats. They are used in car washes, as garage floor cleaners and engine degreasers—and in 90% of personal-care products that foam.
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS)
Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES)
Ammonium Lauryl Sulphate (ALS)
Ammonium Laureth Sulphate (ALES)
Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate
Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate
Sodium Cocoyl Sarcosinate
Potassium Coco Hydrolysed Collagen
TEA (Triethanolamine) Lauryl Sulfate
TEA (Triethanolamine) Laureth Sulfate
Lauryl or Cocoyl Sarcosine
Disodium Oleamide Sulfosuccinate
Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate
Disodium Dioctyl Sulfosuccinate etc
This is a fixative usually used in fragrance products. It helps stop breakdown of the product due to ultraviolet rays. It is a suspected mutagen and an eye irritant and has also been known to cause hives and contact dermatitis. It is toxic if ingested.
Benzalkonium Chloride(氯化苯甲烷銨)
Highly toxic, primary skin irritant.
See Cationic surfactants
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Highly toxic via oral route.
Effects of overexposure: Mists can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, throat and mucous membranes. Avoid direct contact.
[ 註:這是一種用作消毒劑的化學品,由於具有殺菌的特性,普遍存在於洗手液、急救產品(以防止感染輕微的擦傷或割傷)、濕紙巾、漱口水、清洗手術器械的消毒液、隱形眼鏡水、噴鼻劑,也有用作家用清潔劑、地板消毒劑等。]
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), not to be confused with BHA – Beta hydroxy acid)(丁基羥基甲氧苯)
Causes allergic contact dermatitis. It is a preservative and anti-oxidant used in cosmetics. It is also used to preserve cooking oils from oxidation. In the National Toxicology Program, Sixth Annual Report on Carcinogens is was stated as a ‘reasonable anticipated to be a human carcinogen. It is also said to mimic oestrogen, which has been implicated in the rapid increase in breast cancer because they stimulate cell division. BHA can be easily absorbed through the skin. It has been noted for mutagenic, reproductive, neoplastigenic and tumourigenic effects.
Butylene glycol – methyltriethylene glycol(丁二醇)
Used as a neutraliser, emollient, emulsifier and humectant. There are four butylene glycols which are mildly toxic by ingestion, and been noted for experimental reproductive effects.
色素普遍用於肥皂、洗頭水、眼影、睫毛膏、口紅及指甲油等;匹茲堡大學指出,透過皮膚吸收到血液中的有毒物質比通過口服的吸收量可高達兩倍! 但大眾依然相信標籤上的“FD colors” 必定是沒有問題的,因為它是用於食品中。 其實有些色素是來自煤焦油,還有是來自 lakes**,除了具有神經毒性外,也會餘留在器官及脂肪組織中。
[註**:“Lakes” 是由染料與鹽混合而成的不溶性化合物,它可以將色調分散,比染料更加穩定;普遍用於藥丸糖衣、蛋糕、做冬甩的現成材料、糖果、口香糖、唇膏、香皂及洗髮水等。]
Colors are used in soaps, shampoo’s, eye colors, mascara, lipstick, nail varnish etc. The University of Pittsburgh indicates that up to twice as much toxic material can be absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin as through oral ingestion but the public believe that FD colors on labels must be fine as it is used in foods. Some colors are derived from coal tar, some from ‘lakes’ which may be neurotoxic, and both can be stored in our organs and fatty tissues.
Cetrimonium chloride(西曲氯銨)
See Cationic Surfactants
Chloromethylisothiazolinone and Isothiazolinone(異噻唑啉酮/CMI)
Causes contact dermatitis
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Eye Contact: Corrosive to the eyes with possible permanent damage.
Skin contact: Corrosive to the skin, possibly resulting in third degree burns. Can be harmful when absorbed. Can cause allergic contact dermatitis in susceptible individuals.
Ingestion: Can be fatal.
Inhalation: Can be corrosive to the mucous membranes and the lungs. Can cause an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals.
Cocamidopropyl Betaine(椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱)
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Can cause eye and skin irritation.
Cocoyl Sarosine(椰油酰基肌氨酸)
See Nitrosating agents
See Silicone derived emollients
DEA (diethanolamine - 二乙醇氨), MEA (Monoethanolamine - 單乙醇胺), & TEA (triethanolamine - 三乙醇胺)
普遍用於化妝品中以調節pH值;TEA可引起過敏反應,包括眼睛,也可令頭髮及皮膚變得乾燥,如吸收到體內可能會中毒;由於是已知的致癌物,在歐洲早已被禁用。 伊利諾伊大學的 Dr. Samuel Epstein 指出,如反復塗抹在皮膚上可大幅增加患肝癌及腎臟癌的風險,毒物更會在大腦中積累。
Often used in cosmetics to adjust the pH, and used with many fatty acids to convert acid to salt (stearate), which then becomes the base for a cleanser, TEA causes allergic reactions including eye problems, dryness of hair and skin, and could be toxic if absorbed into the body over a long period of times. These chemicals are already restricted in Europe due to known carcinogenic effects. Dr. Samuel Epstein (Professor of Environmental Health at the University of Illinois) says that repeated skin applications …….of DEA-based detergents resulted in a major increase in the incidence of liver and kidney cancer. Despite warnings and recommendations to industry from the FDA dating back to the 1970’s concerning its relationship to cancers in animals tested, and in 1987 the German Federal Health Office notified manufacturers about the inherent problems of using DEA and TEA and discouraged manufacturers from using these chemicals. Repeated application to mouse skin of DEA or cocamide DEA induced liver and kidney cancer and accumulated in organs such as the brain.
Diazolidinyl urea(尿素醛)
Established as a primary cause of contact dermatitis (American Academy of Dermatology). Contains formaldehyde, a carcinogenic chemical, is toxic by inhalation, a strong irritant, and causes contact dermatitis.
See Silicone derived emollients
Dimethicone Copolyol(矽氧聚合體烷)
See Silicone derived emollients
Dimethylol dimethyl hydantoin(二羥甲基二甲基乙內酰脲)
一般稱作 DMDM 乙內酰脲,在化妝品中作爲防腐劑,已證實為致癌物質;可導致腦退化性變異及中樞神經系統失常。 同時,DMDM 能釋放出致癌的甲醛。
Usually called DMDM hydantoin, and used as a preservative. It is a confirmed carcinogen, experimental tumourogen, teratogen and mutagen, and also noted for causing degenerative brain changes and central nervous system abnormalities. DMDM can release formaldehyde, which is a carcinogen.
Disodium Dioctyl Sulfosuccinate(琥珀酸二辛酯磺酸鈉)
See Anionic surfactants
Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate(月桂醇聚醚磺基琥珀酸酯二鈉)
See Anionic surfactants
See Ethoxylated surfactants
Disodium Oleamide Sulfosuccinate(油酸酰胺磺基琥珀酸二鈉)
See Anionic Surfactants
DMDM Hydantoin(二羥甲基二甲基乙內酰脲)
Contains formaldehyde. See formaldehyde
Ethoxylated Surfactants(乙氧基化表面活性劑)
廣泛用於化妝品作爲起泡劑、乳化劑及濕潤劑。 在製造過程中,會產生致癌物1, 4-dioxane(二惡烷);在標簽上一般可從字首識別,如:“PEG”(聚乙二醇之簡稱), “polyethylene”(聚乙烯), “polyethylene glycol”(聚乙二醇), “polyoxyethylene”(聚氧乙烯), “-eth-” or “-oxynol-”。
Ethoxylated surfactants are widely used in cosmetics as foaming agents, emulsifiers and humectants. As part of the manufacturing process the toxic chemical 1,4-dioxane, a potent carcinogen is generated. On the label, they are identified by the prefix “PEG”, “polyethylene”, “polyethylene glycol”, polyoxyethylene”, “-eth-” or “-oxynol-”. See 1,4-Dioxane.
FD & C Colour Pigments(食用色素及色素添加劑)
合成色素是來自煤焦油,含有重金屬鹽,可引起皮膚敏感及刺激。 動物研究顯示,幾乎所有合成色素均可致癌。
Synthetic colours made from coal tar. Contains heavy metal salts that deposit toxins into the skin, causing skin sensitivity and irritation. Animal studies have shown almost all of them to be carcinogenic.
用作防腐劑,是日常生活中最常見及最具毒性的化學劑。 無論是木屑壓板、坐墊、油漆、橡膠底墊、地毯清潔噴劑,以至紙張等,都可找到;甲醛(或稱福爾馬林)是臭名昭著的致癌物質,可損壞DNA,也是引發對化學物質過敏的主兇。
Used as a preservative, and the most common and most toxic chemical in daily use. It is found in everything from chipboard to cushions to paint, rubber underlay, carpet cleaning sprays, paper etc. It is a noted carcinogen and can cause damage to the DNA, and recognised as a main trigger for chemical sensitivities.
在標籤上,“香味劑”一詞可涵蓋多達 4,000 種不同的成份,而多數均是有毒或可致癌的。 導致的症狀包括頭痛、頭暈、過敏性皮疹、皮膚褪色、劇烈咳嗽及嘔吐,並對皮膚具刺激性;臨床觀察證實,香味劑更可影響中樞神經系統、引起抑鬱、過度活躍及過敏。
Fragrance on a label can indicate the presence of up to four thousand separate ingredients, many toxic or carcinogenic. Symptoms reported to the USA, FDA include headaches, dizziness, allergic rashes, skin discoloration, violent coughing and vomiting, and skin irritation. Clinic observation proves fragrances can affect the central nervous system, causing depression, hyperactivity and irritability.
這種化學物依然用於嬰兒油、嬰兒爽身粉、理髮劑、冷霜、潤膚劑、體香劑、面膜、潤髮劑及藥性化妝品;六氯酚是提取自致命的有機氯2,4,5-T,這是一個已知的神經毒素(中樞神經系統中毒);過去曾出現重大事故,在瑞典,5% 的嬰兒在使用僅含 0.3-3% 六氯酚的梘液中洗澡後出現嚴重畸形情況,包括眼睛和中樞神經系統的缺陷。 在法國,39 名兒童於使用僅含 6% 六氯酚的爽身粉後中毒死亡,206 名兒童患上嚴重疾病;但有關方面現時依然容許六氯酚用於動物及人類產品中。
This chemical is still used in ‘baby oil, baby powder, brilliantine hairdressings, cold creams, emollients, deodorants, face masks, hair tonics and medicated cosmetic products. It is derived from the deadly organochlorine 2,4,5-T. It is a known neurotoxin (central nervous system poison). In two separate major accidents, hexachlorophene has been implicated in the deaths or malformations of infants in Sweden, 5 per cent of babies washed in a soap solution containing hexachlorophene (0.3 to 3 per cent) had severe malformations including eye and central nervous system defects. In France 39 children died from poisoning by a talc that had 6 per cent hexachlorophene content, and 206 children suffered severe illness. Hexachlorophene is still allowed to be used for both animals and humans.
Hydrolysed Animal Protein(動物水解蛋白)
See Nitrosating agents
廣泛用於化妝品的一種抗氧化劑。 羥基苯甲醚分兩類型,均是在吞服後可致中毒及在吸入後引致全身性影響,包括對皮膚及眼睛造成刺激、乏力及頭痛。 就連化妝品製造商自己組成的化妝品成份審查小組(CIR)亦確認使用羥基苯甲醚作爲化妝品材料是不安全的。
Is used in a wide range of cosmetics as an anti-oxidant. There are two types, and are both human poisons by ingestion and have systemic effects by inhalation. These effects include irritability, weakness and headache. They are also skin and eye irritants. The manufacturers’ own Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) panel has concluded that this is unsafe to use in cosmetics.
Imidazolindinyl urea(尿素醛)
此乃有毒化學品,其商標為 GERMALL 115;在攝氏10度以上會於化妝品中釋放致癌物甲醛。
The trademark for this chemical is Germall 115. Releases formaldehyde, a carcinogenic chemical, into cosmetics at over 10 degree Celsius. Toxic.
See formaldehyde
See Nitrosating agents
Any chemical used on sheep will contaminate the lanolin obtained from the wool. The majority of lanolin used in cosmetics are highly contaminated with chlorinated organic pesticides like DDT.
Refers to a group of surfactants used in shampoos and liquid soaps, and has been noted that it may be contaminated by 1,4 dioxane, a carcinogen. They are poisons by ingestion and are a skin and eye irritant and experimental mutagens.
Lauryl dimonium hydroxypropyl hydrolysed collagen
See Cationic surfactants
Lauryl or Cocoyl Sarcosine(椰油酰基肌氨酸)
See Anionic Surfactants
Lauryl Sarcosine(月桂酰肌氨酸)
See Nitrosating agents
Liquidum Paraffinum(液體石蠟)
Liquidum Paraffinum is an exotic sounding way to say mineral oil (!)
See Mineral Oil.
MEA Compounds(單乙醇胺化合物)
See Nitrosating agents
Methyl methacrylate (also ethyl acrylate)(甲基丙烯酸甲酯)
Frequently used in artificial nail preparations, methyl methacrylate is noted as an experimental teratogen and has reproductive effects. It is also a suspected carcinogen, tumourogen and mutagen. It has effects on the central nervous system, sleep disorders, anorexia and low blood pressure. It is associated with inflammation of nasal cavity and degeneration of the olfactory sensory epithelium in animal tests, and is a skin and eye irritant, and may be responsible for nerve damage and skin effects.
Methyl chloride(氯化甲基)
A common chemical used in hair spray. It is a confirmed carcinogen and tumourogen and is noted for systemic effects such as convulsions and disruptions of sleep patterns, and is an eye and skin irritant. It is also noted for preventing the red blood cells from carrying oxygen.
Methylisothiazolinone and Methylchloroisothiazolinone
(甲基異噻唑啉酮,MIT 及 甲基氯異噻唑啉酮 - 兩者均為防腐劑)
Both causes cosmetic allergies
Mineral Oil - petrolatum(礦物油 - 凡士林)
為石油副產品,能有如塑料般將皮膚覆蓋而堵塞毛孔,妨礙皮膚的排毒功能,助長痤瘡等疾病,也可造成早衰;廣泛用於大多數個人護理產品(嬰兒油更是100 % 礦物油! ) ;任何礦物油的衍生物質均可能受到致癌物 PAH (多環芳烴)的污染 。 此化學品可致癌、畸形;吸入後可引起胎兒睾丸腫瘤,同時對皮膚和眼睛具刺激性,亦與肺炎成因有關。
Petroleum by-product that coats the skin like plastic, clogging the pores. Interferes with the skin’s ability to eliminate toxins, promoting acne and other disorders. Slows down skin function and cell development, resulting in premature aging. Used in many products (baby oil is 100% mineral oil!). Any mineral oil derivative can be contaminated with cancer causing PAH’s (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons). It is widely found in ‘baby oils and creams’ and in other cosmetics. They are manufactured from crude petrol, and are probably carcinogenic as ‘analysis of mineral oils used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes revealed the presence of several carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which are in the NTP’s Eighth Report of Carcinogens, including benzol(b)fluoranthene, benzol(k)fluoranthene, and benzol(a)pyrene. They are noted as human teratogens by inhalation causing testicular tumour in the foetus. They are skin and eye irritants and may be implicated in aspirational pneumonia.
• Mineral oil
• Liquidum paraffinum
• Paraffin Oil
• Paraffin wax
• Petrolatum
Nitrosating Agents(亞硝基化劑)
The following chemicals can cause nitrosamine contamination, which have been determined to form cancer in laboratory animals. There are wide and repeated concerns in the USA and Europe about the contamination of cosmetics products with nitrosamines.
• 2-brom-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol
• Cocoyl Sarcosine
• DEA compounds
• Imidazolidinyl Urea
• Formaldehyde
• Hydrolysed Animal Protein
• Lauryl Sarcosine
• MEA compounds
• Quaternium-7,15,31,60,etc
• Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
• Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate
• Sodium Laureth Sulfate
• Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate
• TEA compounds
亞硝胺是致癌物質,一般用於煙草、煙肉腌製、含DEA及TEA的洗髮水中。 在1970年的一項研究中指出,約 40% 的化妝品均受到亞硝胺的污染。
Nitrosamines have been known about for over 100 years, then two British scientists reported nitrosamines were tested and produced liver tumours in rats. Nitrosamines are experimental carcinogens that are formed by action of nitrites on amines. They occur in tobacco, in bacon preserved with sodium nitrate and in shampoos that contain DEA and TEA. In 1970 a study showed that around 40 per cent of cosmetics were contaminated with nitrosamines, and the FDA put out a warning against DEA and TEA. The German Federal Health office in 1987 also issued a recommendation against using DEA and TEA. It has shown to increase human cancers.
Paraben preservatives (methyl, propyl, butyl, and ethyl)(防腐劑 ~ 統稱)
Used as inhibitors of microbial growth and to extend shelf life of products. Widely used even though they are known to be toxic. Have caused many allergic reaction and skin rashes. Highly toxic. More recent research at Brunel University in the United Kingdom has found that parabens have been found in breast tumours, as it mimics oestrogen which can also have significant effects on lowering sperm count, osteoporosis and auto-immune disease.
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Emergency overview: Warning! Harmful if swallowed or inhaled. Causes irritation to skin, eyes and respiratory tract. May cause allergic skin reaction.
Skin contact: Causes irritation to skin. Symptoms include redness, itching, and pain. May cause allergic skin reactions.
Eye contact: Causes irritation, redness, and pain.
Paraffin wax/oil(固體石蠟/石蠟油)
Paraffin wax is mineral oil wax. See Mineral Oil
Petrolatum is mineral oil jelly. See Mineral Oil.
Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) compounds(聚乙二醇化合物)
Potentially carcinogenic petroleum ingredient that can alter and reduce the skin’s natural moisture factor. This could increase the appearance of ageing and leave you more vulnerable to bacteria. Used in cleansers to dissolve oil and grease. It adjusts the melting point and thickens products. Also used in caustic spray-on oven cleaners.
PEG 200 – 400 may be allergens
PEG and PEG 1000 are listed as questionable carcinogens and experimental tumourogens and have had experimental reproductive effects.
PEG 75 lanolin can cause hives and eczema.
See Ethoxylated surfactants
Potassium Coco Hydrolysed Collagen(椰油酰基水解膠原鉀鹽)
See Anionic surfactants
Propylene/Butylene Glycol(丙烯/丁烯乙二醇)
丙二醇(PG)是一種石油副產品,能穿透皮膚,並減弱蛋白與細胞結構。 PG 能有效清除纏在船身的甲殼! 美國國家環境保護局也認為 PG 有毒,要求工人在使用時須戴上防護手套、防護衣物及護鏡,在棄置任何 PG 溶液時也要將之埋在地下。 由於 PG 能快速穿透皮膚,環保局警告不要與 PG 有皮膚接觸,否則會引致腦、肝、腎功能異常。 可是,在產品標籤上卻沒有任何相關的警告字句,例如膏狀體香劑,當中的 PG 濃度甚至比工業用的更強。
Propylene glycol (PG) is a petroleum derivative. It penetrates the skin and can weaken protein and cellular structure. Commonly used to make extracts from herbs. PG is strong enough to remove barnacles from boats! The EPA considers PG so toxic that is requires workers to wear protective gloves, clothing and goggles and to dispose of any PG solutions by burying them in the ground. Because PG penetrates the skin so quickly, the EPA warns against skin contact to prevent consequences such as brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities. But there isn't even a warning label on products such as stick deodorants, where the concentration is greater than in most industrial applications.
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Health Hazard Acute and Chronic.
Inhalation: May cause respiratory and throat irritation, central nervous system depression, blood and kidney disorders. May cause Nystagmus, Lymphocytosis.
Skin: Irritation and conjunctivitis.
Eyes: Irritation and conjunctivitis.
Ingestion: Pulmonary oedema, brain damage, hypoglycaemia, intravascular hemolysis. Death may occur.
PVP/VA Copolymer(聚乙烯吡咯烷酮/醋酸乙烯聚合物)
A petroleum-derived chemical used in hairsprays, wavesets and other cosmetics. It can be considered toxic, since particles may contribute to foreign bodies in the lungs of sensitive persons.
Quaternium-7, 15,31, 60, etc(二癸基二甲基氯化銨)
Toxic, causes skin rashes and allergic reactions.
See Nitrosating agents.
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Skin: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause skin irritation, may cause more severe response if skin is damp. May be a weak skin sensitizer in susceptible individuals at greater than 1% in aqueous solution.
Silicone derived emollients(矽源潤膚劑)
Silicone emollients are occlusive—that is they coat the ski, trapping anything beneath it, and do not allow the skin to breathe (much like plastic wrap would do). Recent studies have indicated that prolonged exposure of the skin to sweat, by occlusion, causes skin irritation. Some synthetic emollients are known tumour promoters and accumulate in the liver and lymph nodes. They are also non-biodegradable, causing negative environmental impact.
• Dimethicone
• Dimethicone Copolyol
• Cyclomethicone
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)(十二烷基硫酸鈉)
廣泛用於洗髮水、牙膏及泡沫產品,具毒性及潛在致癌性,對皮膚和眼睛有刺激性,可導致畸形並會殘留在大腦、心臟、肺部及肝臟。 SLS 對粘膜具有強烈刺激性,並能為其他毒物打開通路,例如造成口腔潰瘍。
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is commonly used in shampoos, toothpastes and foaming products. Even though there are many different we sites stating the potential harm and toxicity of SLS, it has been stated now that Dr Keith Greens study was taken out of context in regards to SLS being a cancer causer. Even though it is suspected as a carcinogen we can neither say it is accurate or not. Other studies though do believe it is a skin and eye irritant, and also found to be teratogenic and leaves residues in the brain, heart, lungs and liver. SLS is a strong irritant to mucous membranes allowing the passage of other toxins and has been implicated in the case of mouth ulcers. The study by Dr Green while generally taken out of context did establish that it has an ability to prevent eyes from healing after they had been damaged. For these other reasons alone it is enough for us to ensure we don’t use this ingredients.
(Source: http://www.earthsentials.com.au/default.asp)
Other references:
'Dirty Dozen' cosmetic chemicals to avoid - David Suzuki Foundation
The Promiseland Farm
Toxic Ingredient List
1, 4-Dioxane(二惡烷)乃致癌污染物;近半數含有乙氧基化表面活性劑的化妝品均含有二惡烷
A carcinogenic contaminant of cosmetic products. Almost 50% of cosmetic containing ethoxylated surfactants were found to contain dioxane. (See Ethoxylated surfactants).
化學品安全説明書(MSDS)已將 1,4-Dioxane 列爲致癌物
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): 1,4-Dioxane may exert its effects through inhalation, skin absorption, and ingestion. 1,4-Dioxane is listed as a carcinogen.
Effects of overexposure: 1,4-Dioxane is an eye and mucous membrane irritant, primary skin irritant, central nervous system depressant, nephrotoxin, and hepatotoxin. Acute exposure causes irritation, headache, dizziness, and narcosis. Chronic inhalation exposure can produce damage to the liver and kidneys, and blood disorders. Medical condition aggravated by exposure preclude from exposure those individuals with disease of the blood, liver, kidneys, central nervous system, and those susceptible to dermatitis.
2-bromo-2-nitroprpane-1,3-diol (Bronopol)(溴硝丙二醇)
Toxic causes allergic contact dermatitis
(See Nitrasating agents)
Acetate(醋酸酯)– amyl, butyl, ethyl and propyl acetate
All the acetates occur naturally in various fruits that give it their distinctive smells, and are used as solvents in nail varnishes and as part of the scents of many perfumes. They are all neurotoxic in varying degrees. It can cause dryness and cracking of the skin, headaches, fatigue and chest pain.
Aluminium chlorohydrate(水合氫化鋁)
一般為體香劑及止汗劑的活性成分。對皮膚有刺激性,可引起毛囊感染。 臨床流行病學雜誌的一項研究顯示,使用含鋁鹽的止汗劑可直接增加患上老人痴呆症的風險。
This is the active component in many deodorants and antiperspirants. It is noted as a human skin irritant and can cause hair follicles infection. The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology noted a study showing that an increase in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease was directly related to the use of aluminium-based antiperspirants.
Ammonium lauryl sulfate(十二烷基硫酸銨)
用於洗髮水的表面活性劑;逐漸被推廣為 sodium lauryl sulfate 的替代品,但這基本上只是一個營銷策略,純粹因爲在 Draize Tests(由眼睛接觸化學物質來測試過敏反應)中顯示對皮膚的刺激較低;這並非在經過測試後證明它不含毒性,而是此化學物仍未正式被測試。
A surfactant used in shampoos. Increasingly being marketed as a natural substitute for sodium lauryl sulfate. This is basically a marketing ploy. It may be slightly lower in terms of skin irritation in draize tests and hardly any data exist about other toxicities. So it is not that it has been tested and shown to be non-toxic, it hasn’t been properly tested. Marketeers of shampoos using sodium lauryl sulfate have argued that because ammonium lauryl sulfate uses ammonium (as in ammonia), rather than sodium (as in salt) it is much more dangerous. More testing should be done with this ingredient.
Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40)(異丙基·苯基甲酮)
A very drying and irritating solvent and dehydrator that strips your skin’s natural acid mantle, making us more vulnerable to bacteria, moulds and viruses. It is made from propylene, a petroleum derivative. It may promote brown spots and premature ageing.
Ammonium Laureth & Lauryl Sulphate (ALES & ALS)
(十二酯硫酸胺 及 十二烷基硫酸銨)
See Anionic Surfactants
See Sodium Laureth Sulphate
See Nitrosating Agents
Anionic Surfactants(陰離子表面活性劑)
一種陰離子表面活性劑,並可能受到致癌的亞硝胺污染;這種表面活性劑可對健康構成嚴重威脅,它一般是用作汽車清潔劑,車庫地面清潔劑及引擎除油劑----但卻同時在 90% 的個人護理產品中用作起泡劑。
Anionic refers to the negative charge these surfactants have. They may be contaminated with nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic. Surfactants can pose serious heatlh threats. They are used in car washes, as garage floor cleaners and engine degreasers—and in 90% of personal-care products that foam.
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS)
Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES)
Ammonium Lauryl Sulphate (ALS)
Ammonium Laureth Sulphate (ALES)
Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate
Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate
Sodium Cocoyl Sarcosinate
Potassium Coco Hydrolysed Collagen
TEA (Triethanolamine) Lauryl Sulfate
TEA (Triethanolamine) Laureth Sulfate
Lauryl or Cocoyl Sarcosine
Disodium Oleamide Sulfosuccinate
Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate
Disodium Dioctyl Sulfosuccinate etc
This is a fixative usually used in fragrance products. It helps stop breakdown of the product due to ultraviolet rays. It is a suspected mutagen and an eye irritant and has also been known to cause hives and contact dermatitis. It is toxic if ingested.
Benzalkonium Chloride(氯化苯甲烷銨)
Highly toxic, primary skin irritant.
See Cationic surfactants
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Highly toxic via oral route.
Effects of overexposure: Mists can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, throat and mucous membranes. Avoid direct contact.
[ 註:這是一種用作消毒劑的化學品,由於具有殺菌的特性,普遍存在於洗手液、急救產品(以防止感染輕微的擦傷或割傷)、濕紙巾、漱口水、清洗手術器械的消毒液、隱形眼鏡水、噴鼻劑,也有用作家用清潔劑、地板消毒劑等。]
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), not to be confused with BHA – Beta hydroxy acid)(丁基羥基甲氧苯)
Causes allergic contact dermatitis. It is a preservative and anti-oxidant used in cosmetics. It is also used to preserve cooking oils from oxidation. In the National Toxicology Program, Sixth Annual Report on Carcinogens is was stated as a ‘reasonable anticipated to be a human carcinogen. It is also said to mimic oestrogen, which has been implicated in the rapid increase in breast cancer because they stimulate cell division. BHA can be easily absorbed through the skin. It has been noted for mutagenic, reproductive, neoplastigenic and tumourigenic effects.
Butylene glycol – methyltriethylene glycol(丁二醇)
Used as a neutraliser, emollient, emulsifier and humectant. There are four butylene glycols which are mildly toxic by ingestion, and been noted for experimental reproductive effects.
色素普遍用於肥皂、洗頭水、眼影、睫毛膏、口紅及指甲油等;匹茲堡大學指出,透過皮膚吸收到血液中的有毒物質比通過口服的吸收量可高達兩倍! 但大眾依然相信標籤上的“FD colors” 必定是沒有問題的,因為它是用於食品中。 其實有些色素是來自煤焦油,還有是來自 lakes**,除了具有神經毒性外,也會餘留在器官及脂肪組織中。
[註**:“Lakes” 是由染料與鹽混合而成的不溶性化合物,它可以將色調分散,比染料更加穩定;普遍用於藥丸糖衣、蛋糕、做冬甩的現成材料、糖果、口香糖、唇膏、香皂及洗髮水等。]
Colors are used in soaps, shampoo’s, eye colors, mascara, lipstick, nail varnish etc. The University of Pittsburgh indicates that up to twice as much toxic material can be absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin as through oral ingestion but the public believe that FD colors on labels must be fine as it is used in foods. Some colors are derived from coal tar, some from ‘lakes’ which may be neurotoxic, and both can be stored in our organs and fatty tissues.
Cetrimonium chloride(西曲氯銨)
See Cationic Surfactants
Chloromethylisothiazolinone and Isothiazolinone(異噻唑啉酮/CMI)
Causes contact dermatitis
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Eye Contact: Corrosive to the eyes with possible permanent damage.
Skin contact: Corrosive to the skin, possibly resulting in third degree burns. Can be harmful when absorbed. Can cause allergic contact dermatitis in susceptible individuals.
Ingestion: Can be fatal.
Inhalation: Can be corrosive to the mucous membranes and the lungs. Can cause an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals.
Cocamidopropyl Betaine(椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱)
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Can cause eye and skin irritation.
Cocoyl Sarosine(椰油酰基肌氨酸)
See Nitrosating agents
See Silicone derived emollients
DEA (diethanolamine - 二乙醇氨), MEA (Monoethanolamine - 單乙醇胺), & TEA (triethanolamine - 三乙醇胺)
普遍用於化妝品中以調節pH值;TEA可引起過敏反應,包括眼睛,也可令頭髮及皮膚變得乾燥,如吸收到體內可能會中毒;由於是已知的致癌物,在歐洲早已被禁用。 伊利諾伊大學的 Dr. Samuel Epstein 指出,如反復塗抹在皮膚上可大幅增加患肝癌及腎臟癌的風險,毒物更會在大腦中積累。
Often used in cosmetics to adjust the pH, and used with many fatty acids to convert acid to salt (stearate), which then becomes the base for a cleanser, TEA causes allergic reactions including eye problems, dryness of hair and skin, and could be toxic if absorbed into the body over a long period of times. These chemicals are already restricted in Europe due to known carcinogenic effects. Dr. Samuel Epstein (Professor of Environmental Health at the University of Illinois) says that repeated skin applications …….of DEA-based detergents resulted in a major increase in the incidence of liver and kidney cancer. Despite warnings and recommendations to industry from the FDA dating back to the 1970’s concerning its relationship to cancers in animals tested, and in 1987 the German Federal Health Office notified manufacturers about the inherent problems of using DEA and TEA and discouraged manufacturers from using these chemicals. Repeated application to mouse skin of DEA or cocamide DEA induced liver and kidney cancer and accumulated in organs such as the brain.
Diazolidinyl urea(尿素醛)
Established as a primary cause of contact dermatitis (American Academy of Dermatology). Contains formaldehyde, a carcinogenic chemical, is toxic by inhalation, a strong irritant, and causes contact dermatitis.
See Silicone derived emollients
Dimethicone Copolyol(矽氧聚合體烷)
See Silicone derived emollients
Dimethylol dimethyl hydantoin(二羥甲基二甲基乙內酰脲)
一般稱作 DMDM 乙內酰脲,在化妝品中作爲防腐劑,已證實為致癌物質;可導致腦退化性變異及中樞神經系統失常。 同時,DMDM 能釋放出致癌的甲醛。
Usually called DMDM hydantoin, and used as a preservative. It is a confirmed carcinogen, experimental tumourogen, teratogen and mutagen, and also noted for causing degenerative brain changes and central nervous system abnormalities. DMDM can release formaldehyde, which is a carcinogen.
Disodium Dioctyl Sulfosuccinate(琥珀酸二辛酯磺酸鈉)
See Anionic surfactants
Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate(月桂醇聚醚磺基琥珀酸酯二鈉)
See Anionic surfactants
See Ethoxylated surfactants
Disodium Oleamide Sulfosuccinate(油酸酰胺磺基琥珀酸二鈉)
See Anionic Surfactants
DMDM Hydantoin(二羥甲基二甲基乙內酰脲)
Contains formaldehyde. See formaldehyde
Ethoxylated Surfactants(乙氧基化表面活性劑)
廣泛用於化妝品作爲起泡劑、乳化劑及濕潤劑。 在製造過程中,會產生致癌物1, 4-dioxane(二惡烷);在標簽上一般可從字首識別,如:“PEG”(聚乙二醇之簡稱), “polyethylene”(聚乙烯), “polyethylene glycol”(聚乙二醇), “polyoxyethylene”(聚氧乙烯), “-eth-” or “-oxynol-”。
Ethoxylated surfactants are widely used in cosmetics as foaming agents, emulsifiers and humectants. As part of the manufacturing process the toxic chemical 1,4-dioxane, a potent carcinogen is generated. On the label, they are identified by the prefix “PEG”, “polyethylene”, “polyethylene glycol”, polyoxyethylene”, “-eth-” or “-oxynol-”. See 1,4-Dioxane.
FD & C Colour Pigments(食用色素及色素添加劑)
合成色素是來自煤焦油,含有重金屬鹽,可引起皮膚敏感及刺激。 動物研究顯示,幾乎所有合成色素均可致癌。
Synthetic colours made from coal tar. Contains heavy metal salts that deposit toxins into the skin, causing skin sensitivity and irritation. Animal studies have shown almost all of them to be carcinogenic.
用作防腐劑,是日常生活中最常見及最具毒性的化學劑。 無論是木屑壓板、坐墊、油漆、橡膠底墊、地毯清潔噴劑,以至紙張等,都可找到;甲醛(或稱福爾馬林)是臭名昭著的致癌物質,可損壞DNA,也是引發對化學物質過敏的主兇。
Used as a preservative, and the most common and most toxic chemical in daily use. It is found in everything from chipboard to cushions to paint, rubber underlay, carpet cleaning sprays, paper etc. It is a noted carcinogen and can cause damage to the DNA, and recognised as a main trigger for chemical sensitivities.
在標籤上,“香味劑”一詞可涵蓋多達 4,000 種不同的成份,而多數均是有毒或可致癌的。 導致的症狀包括頭痛、頭暈、過敏性皮疹、皮膚褪色、劇烈咳嗽及嘔吐,並對皮膚具刺激性;臨床觀察證實,香味劑更可影響中樞神經系統、引起抑鬱、過度活躍及過敏。
Fragrance on a label can indicate the presence of up to four thousand separate ingredients, many toxic or carcinogenic. Symptoms reported to the USA, FDA include headaches, dizziness, allergic rashes, skin discoloration, violent coughing and vomiting, and skin irritation. Clinic observation proves fragrances can affect the central nervous system, causing depression, hyperactivity and irritability.
這種化學物依然用於嬰兒油、嬰兒爽身粉、理髮劑、冷霜、潤膚劑、體香劑、面膜、潤髮劑及藥性化妝品;六氯酚是提取自致命的有機氯2,4,5-T,這是一個已知的神經毒素(中樞神經系統中毒);過去曾出現重大事故,在瑞典,5% 的嬰兒在使用僅含 0.3-3% 六氯酚的梘液中洗澡後出現嚴重畸形情況,包括眼睛和中樞神經系統的缺陷。 在法國,39 名兒童於使用僅含 6% 六氯酚的爽身粉後中毒死亡,206 名兒童患上嚴重疾病;但有關方面現時依然容許六氯酚用於動物及人類產品中。
This chemical is still used in ‘baby oil, baby powder, brilliantine hairdressings, cold creams, emollients, deodorants, face masks, hair tonics and medicated cosmetic products. It is derived from the deadly organochlorine 2,4,5-T. It is a known neurotoxin (central nervous system poison). In two separate major accidents, hexachlorophene has been implicated in the deaths or malformations of infants in Sweden, 5 per cent of babies washed in a soap solution containing hexachlorophene (0.3 to 3 per cent) had severe malformations including eye and central nervous system defects. In France 39 children died from poisoning by a talc that had 6 per cent hexachlorophene content, and 206 children suffered severe illness. Hexachlorophene is still allowed to be used for both animals and humans.
Hydrolysed Animal Protein(動物水解蛋白)
See Nitrosating agents
廣泛用於化妝品的一種抗氧化劑。 羥基苯甲醚分兩類型,均是在吞服後可致中毒及在吸入後引致全身性影響,包括對皮膚及眼睛造成刺激、乏力及頭痛。 就連化妝品製造商自己組成的化妝品成份審查小組(CIR)亦確認使用羥基苯甲醚作爲化妝品材料是不安全的。
Is used in a wide range of cosmetics as an anti-oxidant. There are two types, and are both human poisons by ingestion and have systemic effects by inhalation. These effects include irritability, weakness and headache. They are also skin and eye irritants. The manufacturers’ own Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) panel has concluded that this is unsafe to use in cosmetics.
Imidazolindinyl urea(尿素醛)
此乃有毒化學品,其商標為 GERMALL 115;在攝氏10度以上會於化妝品中釋放致癌物甲醛。
The trademark for this chemical is Germall 115. Releases formaldehyde, a carcinogenic chemical, into cosmetics at over 10 degree Celsius. Toxic.
See formaldehyde
See Nitrosating agents
Any chemical used on sheep will contaminate the lanolin obtained from the wool. The majority of lanolin used in cosmetics are highly contaminated with chlorinated organic pesticides like DDT.
Refers to a group of surfactants used in shampoos and liquid soaps, and has been noted that it may be contaminated by 1,4 dioxane, a carcinogen. They are poisons by ingestion and are a skin and eye irritant and experimental mutagens.
Lauryl dimonium hydroxypropyl hydrolysed collagen
See Cationic surfactants
Lauryl or Cocoyl Sarcosine(椰油酰基肌氨酸)
See Anionic Surfactants
Lauryl Sarcosine(月桂酰肌氨酸)
See Nitrosating agents
Liquidum Paraffinum(液體石蠟)
Liquidum Paraffinum is an exotic sounding way to say mineral oil (!)
See Mineral Oil.
MEA Compounds(單乙醇胺化合物)
See Nitrosating agents
Methyl methacrylate (also ethyl acrylate)(甲基丙烯酸甲酯)
Frequently used in artificial nail preparations, methyl methacrylate is noted as an experimental teratogen and has reproductive effects. It is also a suspected carcinogen, tumourogen and mutagen. It has effects on the central nervous system, sleep disorders, anorexia and low blood pressure. It is associated with inflammation of nasal cavity and degeneration of the olfactory sensory epithelium in animal tests, and is a skin and eye irritant, and may be responsible for nerve damage and skin effects.
Methyl chloride(氯化甲基)
A common chemical used in hair spray. It is a confirmed carcinogen and tumourogen and is noted for systemic effects such as convulsions and disruptions of sleep patterns, and is an eye and skin irritant. It is also noted for preventing the red blood cells from carrying oxygen.
Methylisothiazolinone and Methylchloroisothiazolinone
(甲基異噻唑啉酮,MIT 及 甲基氯異噻唑啉酮 - 兩者均為防腐劑)
Both causes cosmetic allergies
Mineral Oil - petrolatum(礦物油 - 凡士林)
為石油副產品,能有如塑料般將皮膚覆蓋而堵塞毛孔,妨礙皮膚的排毒功能,助長痤瘡等疾病,也可造成早衰;廣泛用於大多數個人護理產品(嬰兒油更是100 % 礦物油! ) ;任何礦物油的衍生物質均可能受到致癌物 PAH (多環芳烴)的污染 。 此化學品可致癌、畸形;吸入後可引起胎兒睾丸腫瘤,同時對皮膚和眼睛具刺激性,亦與肺炎成因有關。
Petroleum by-product that coats the skin like plastic, clogging the pores. Interferes with the skin’s ability to eliminate toxins, promoting acne and other disorders. Slows down skin function and cell development, resulting in premature aging. Used in many products (baby oil is 100% mineral oil!). Any mineral oil derivative can be contaminated with cancer causing PAH’s (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons). It is widely found in ‘baby oils and creams’ and in other cosmetics. They are manufactured from crude petrol, and are probably carcinogenic as ‘analysis of mineral oils used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes revealed the presence of several carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which are in the NTP’s Eighth Report of Carcinogens, including benzol(b)fluoranthene, benzol(k)fluoranthene, and benzol(a)pyrene. They are noted as human teratogens by inhalation causing testicular tumour in the foetus. They are skin and eye irritants and may be implicated in aspirational pneumonia.
• Mineral oil
• Liquidum paraffinum
• Paraffin Oil
• Paraffin wax
• Petrolatum
Nitrosating Agents(亞硝基化劑)
The following chemicals can cause nitrosamine contamination, which have been determined to form cancer in laboratory animals. There are wide and repeated concerns in the USA and Europe about the contamination of cosmetics products with nitrosamines.
• 2-brom-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol
• Cocoyl Sarcosine
• DEA compounds
• Imidazolidinyl Urea
• Formaldehyde
• Hydrolysed Animal Protein
• Lauryl Sarcosine
• MEA compounds
• Quaternium-7,15,31,60,etc
• Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
• Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate
• Sodium Laureth Sulfate
• Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate
• TEA compounds
亞硝胺是致癌物質,一般用於煙草、煙肉腌製、含DEA及TEA的洗髮水中。 在1970年的一項研究中指出,約 40% 的化妝品均受到亞硝胺的污染。
Nitrosamines have been known about for over 100 years, then two British scientists reported nitrosamines were tested and produced liver tumours in rats. Nitrosamines are experimental carcinogens that are formed by action of nitrites on amines. They occur in tobacco, in bacon preserved with sodium nitrate and in shampoos that contain DEA and TEA. In 1970 a study showed that around 40 per cent of cosmetics were contaminated with nitrosamines, and the FDA put out a warning against DEA and TEA. The German Federal Health office in 1987 also issued a recommendation against using DEA and TEA. It has shown to increase human cancers.
Paraben preservatives (methyl, propyl, butyl, and ethyl)(防腐劑 ~ 統稱)
Used as inhibitors of microbial growth and to extend shelf life of products. Widely used even though they are known to be toxic. Have caused many allergic reaction and skin rashes. Highly toxic. More recent research at Brunel University in the United Kingdom has found that parabens have been found in breast tumours, as it mimics oestrogen which can also have significant effects on lowering sperm count, osteoporosis and auto-immune disease.
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Emergency overview: Warning! Harmful if swallowed or inhaled. Causes irritation to skin, eyes and respiratory tract. May cause allergic skin reaction.
Skin contact: Causes irritation to skin. Symptoms include redness, itching, and pain. May cause allergic skin reactions.
Eye contact: Causes irritation, redness, and pain.
Paraffin wax/oil(固體石蠟/石蠟油)
Paraffin wax is mineral oil wax. See Mineral Oil
Petrolatum is mineral oil jelly. See Mineral Oil.
Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) compounds(聚乙二醇化合物)
Potentially carcinogenic petroleum ingredient that can alter and reduce the skin’s natural moisture factor. This could increase the appearance of ageing and leave you more vulnerable to bacteria. Used in cleansers to dissolve oil and grease. It adjusts the melting point and thickens products. Also used in caustic spray-on oven cleaners.
PEG 200 – 400 may be allergens
PEG and PEG 1000 are listed as questionable carcinogens and experimental tumourogens and have had experimental reproductive effects.
PEG 75 lanolin can cause hives and eczema.
See Ethoxylated surfactants
Potassium Coco Hydrolysed Collagen(椰油酰基水解膠原鉀鹽)
See Anionic surfactants
Propylene/Butylene Glycol(丙烯/丁烯乙二醇)
丙二醇(PG)是一種石油副產品,能穿透皮膚,並減弱蛋白與細胞結構。 PG 能有效清除纏在船身的甲殼! 美國國家環境保護局也認為 PG 有毒,要求工人在使用時須戴上防護手套、防護衣物及護鏡,在棄置任何 PG 溶液時也要將之埋在地下。 由於 PG 能快速穿透皮膚,環保局警告不要與 PG 有皮膚接觸,否則會引致腦、肝、腎功能異常。 可是,在產品標籤上卻沒有任何相關的警告字句,例如膏狀體香劑,當中的 PG 濃度甚至比工業用的更強。
Propylene glycol (PG) is a petroleum derivative. It penetrates the skin and can weaken protein and cellular structure. Commonly used to make extracts from herbs. PG is strong enough to remove barnacles from boats! The EPA considers PG so toxic that is requires workers to wear protective gloves, clothing and goggles and to dispose of any PG solutions by burying them in the ground. Because PG penetrates the skin so quickly, the EPA warns against skin contact to prevent consequences such as brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities. But there isn't even a warning label on products such as stick deodorants, where the concentration is greater than in most industrial applications.
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Health Hazard Acute and Chronic.
Inhalation: May cause respiratory and throat irritation, central nervous system depression, blood and kidney disorders. May cause Nystagmus, Lymphocytosis.
Skin: Irritation and conjunctivitis.
Eyes: Irritation and conjunctivitis.
Ingestion: Pulmonary oedema, brain damage, hypoglycaemia, intravascular hemolysis. Death may occur.
PVP/VA Copolymer(聚乙烯吡咯烷酮/醋酸乙烯聚合物)
A petroleum-derived chemical used in hairsprays, wavesets and other cosmetics. It can be considered toxic, since particles may contribute to foreign bodies in the lungs of sensitive persons.
Quaternium-7, 15,31, 60, etc(二癸基二甲基氯化銨)
Toxic, causes skin rashes and allergic reactions.
See Nitrosating agents.
From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS):
Skin: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause skin irritation, may cause more severe response if skin is damp. May be a weak skin sensitizer in susceptible individuals at greater than 1% in aqueous solution.
Silicone derived emollients(矽源潤膚劑)
Silicone emollients are occlusive—that is they coat the ski, trapping anything beneath it, and do not allow the skin to breathe (much like plastic wrap would do). Recent studies have indicated that prolonged exposure of the skin to sweat, by occlusion, causes skin irritation. Some synthetic emollients are known tumour promoters and accumulate in the liver and lymph nodes. They are also non-biodegradable, causing negative environmental impact.
• Dimethicone
• Dimethicone Copolyol
• Cyclomethicone
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)(十二烷基硫酸鈉)
廣泛用於洗髮水、牙膏及泡沫產品,具毒性及潛在致癌性,對皮膚和眼睛有刺激性,可導致畸形並會殘留在大腦、心臟、肺部及肝臟。 SLS 對粘膜具有強烈刺激性,並能為其他毒物打開通路,例如造成口腔潰瘍。
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is commonly used in shampoos, toothpastes and foaming products. Even though there are many different we sites stating the potential harm and toxicity of SLS, it has been stated now that Dr Keith Greens study was taken out of context in regards to SLS being a cancer causer. Even though it is suspected as a carcinogen we can neither say it is accurate or not. Other studies though do believe it is a skin and eye irritant, and also found to be teratogenic and leaves residues in the brain, heart, lungs and liver. SLS is a strong irritant to mucous membranes allowing the passage of other toxins and has been implicated in the case of mouth ulcers. The study by Dr Green while generally taken out of context did establish that it has an ability to prevent eyes from healing after they had been damaged. For these other reasons alone it is enough for us to ensure we don’t use this ingredients.
(Source: http://www.earthsentials.com.au/default.asp)
Other references:
'Dirty Dozen' cosmetic chemicals to avoid - David Suzuki Foundation
The Promiseland Farm