(下文為摘錄自 The Economist 的翻譯)
1. 太陽風暴造成全球混亂
太陽目前處於異常活躍的最大風暴期,它可以導致短波無線電中斷、擾亂電網、變壓器,及影響衛星。 如果2025年發生大規模太陽風暴,其影響將比以往更大,因為人類現今太依賴科技。
2. 新疫情全球爆發
北歐可能變得更冷、更乾燥,並有更強的風暴。 美國東北沿海的海洋溫度可能進一步上升,加速格林蘭冰原融化,導致海平面上升。 而間熱帶輻合區(即兩個半球氣候系統交匯的熱帶地帶)可能向南移動,導致非洲和中美洲乾旱。 這變化的影響比氣候變化更為猛烈。
4. 發現失落的古代文獻
研究人員一直用X光掃描結合人工智能,揭示埋藏在龐貝古城中的卷軸内容。 隨著更多卷軸被掃描和分析,看來很快又會發現什麼失落的古代作品!
5. 大規模火山爆發造成混亂
隨著2025年到來,火山學家一邊廂緊張地注視著冰島,另一些則擔心意大利、印尼及菲律賓近大城市的火山。 一場大型的火山爆發會產生全球性的影響。
6. 探測到外星生命的證據
尋找外星人曾被視為一種邊緣科學,但現在已成為主流研究的一部分,參與的科學家數量比以往任何時候都要多。 如果2025年有任何發現,將會毫無預警地出現,亦會對人類在宇宙中自身位置的認識產生深遠影響。
Note: 《經濟學人》雜誌,也被視為 “Rothschild’s magazine”,它由Exor N.V.持有(最大股東43.4%),Rothschild則持有26.7%。有趣的是, “Exor” 解作 “executor” (執行者),而持有Exor N.V.的 Giovanni Agnelli 也是一名共濟會成員。
英文版及 The Economist 的摘錄原文:
After 2024, does anything sound crazy anymore?! As we reach the end of 2024, strange events continue to unfold one after another—heaps of orbs, drones and UFOs since 39 days after the Joe Rogan and Trump interview as predicted by Clif High’s Web Bot back in 2009; 4 planes failed to load the landing gears within just the past few days; usual thick fog across the US with stinky, chemical smell reported widely also in the past few days causing headache, cough and COVID-like symptoms! Is it a weather modification to conceal the drone activities, or a distraction from the Diddy case? Oh! The word “drones” is now censored in some social media platforms and people have to use “Dior bags” instead! If you wonder why so many netizens are suddenly discussing Dior bags, they’re not! Meanwhile, we’re also facing Bird Flu and Disease X!
If this is not enough to shake you, let’s look at the scenarios in 2025 The Economist presents.
(The following is extracted from The Economist)
1. A Solar Storm Causes Global Disruption
The Sun is currently at solar maximum in an unexpectedly active cycle. It can cause short-wave radio blackouts and disruption to power grids, high-voltage transformers, affect satellites. Were a large solar storm to occur in 2025, its impact could be far greater than any in the past, because of humanity’s greater dependence on technology.
2. A New Global Pandemic Breaks Out
Bird Flu is arguably the most plausible candidate to cause the next global pandemic. But just how dangerous it would be depends on whether it mutates further.
3. A Key North Atlantic Current Slows or Shifts
Northern Europe could get colder and drier, with more powerful storms. The ocean temperature on America’s north-east coast could rise further, accelerating the melting of the Greenland ice sheet and causing sea levels to rise. And the “intertropical convergence zone”—the tropical belt where the weather systems of the two hemispheres meet—could move south, causing droughts in Africa and Central America. This shift could be far more abrupt than climate change.
4. A Lost Text from Antiquity is Discovered
Researchers are using a combination of X-ray scanning and artificial intelligence to reveal passages of text on scrolls inside the Roman town of Pompeii. As more scrolls are scanned and analysed, who knows what other lost works might soon be discovered!
5. A Major Volcanic Eruption Causes Chaos
As 2025 dawns, some volcano-watchers are looking nervously at Iceland; others are worried about volcanoes close to large population centres in Italy, Indonesia and the Philippines. A really big eruption would have a global impact.
6. Evidence of Alien Life is Detected
Searching for aliens, once regarded as a fringe activity, has become part of mainstream research, and more scientists are now engaged in it than at any time in the past. Any discovery in 2025, if it happens, will come without warning—and it would have a profound effect on humanity’s perception of its place in the universe.
Note: The Economist Magazine, also known as “the Rothschild’s magazine”, is owned by Exor N.V. (largest shareholder – 43.4%), and Rothschild is holding 26.7%. Interestingly, “Exor” actually means “the executor”, and Exor N.V. is owned by Giovanni Agnelli, a well-known Freemason.