Researched by Jason Chan
(Source: Russia Today)
Bill Gates on people that "have no benefit whatsoever". The troubling history of Bill Gates Sr "one of the grandfathers of eugenics still going strong today" in the US. ABC reports tens of thousands of women across the States from 1929 to 1974 forcibly sterilized. The Times notes Gates Jr has held a secret billionaire summit with Michael Bloomberg and George Soros to "curb overpopulation".
Why is Gates buying millions of dollars in shares of Monsanto and funding sterilization programs, Monsanto's response to our interview request, and what happens to scientists who cross the genetically modified cyclops.
Seek truth from facts with investigative reporter Anthony Gucciardi, How Goldman Sachs Created The Food Crisis author Frederick Kaufman, Genetic Roulette director Jeffrey Smith, and chairman of Nestle Peter Brabeck-Letmathe.
NOTE: Do you believe this principle??
Endorsed by World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the principle of substantial equivalence suggests that if a new food or component is found to be substantially equivalent to an existing food or component, the food or component is considered to be as safe as its conventional counterpart.
根 據 世 界 衞 生 組 織 、 聯 合 國 糧 食 及 農 業 組 織 和 經 濟 合 作 與 發 展 組 織 (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) 所 認 可 的 「 實 質 等 同 」 原 則, 如 果 一 種 新 的 食 物 或 成 分 被 認 為 實 質 上 等 同 於 一 種 傳 統 的 食 物 或 成 分 , 該 種 食 物 或 成 分 即 可 視 為 與 傳 統 品 種 同 樣 安 全 。
(Source: Russia Today)
Bill Gates on people that "have no benefit whatsoever". The troubling history of Bill Gates Sr "one of the grandfathers of eugenics still going strong today" in the US. ABC reports tens of thousands of women across the States from 1929 to 1974 forcibly sterilized. The Times notes Gates Jr has held a secret billionaire summit with Michael Bloomberg and George Soros to "curb overpopulation".
Why is Gates buying millions of dollars in shares of Monsanto and funding sterilization programs, Monsanto's response to our interview request, and what happens to scientists who cross the genetically modified cyclops.
Seek truth from facts with investigative reporter Anthony Gucciardi, How Goldman Sachs Created The Food Crisis author Frederick Kaufman, Genetic Roulette director Jeffrey Smith, and chairman of Nestle Peter Brabeck-Letmathe.
NOTE: Do you believe this principle??
Endorsed by World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the principle of substantial equivalence suggests that if a new food or component is found to be substantially equivalent to an existing food or component, the food or component is considered to be as safe as its conventional counterpart.
根 據 世 界 衞 生 組 織 、 聯 合 國 糧 食 及 農 業 組 織 和 經 濟 合 作 與 發 展 組 織 (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) 所 認 可 的 「 實 質 等 同 」 原 則, 如 果 一 種 新 的 食 物 或 成 分 被 認 為 實 質 上 等 同 於 一 種 傳 統 的 食 物 或 成 分 , 該 種 食 物 或 成 分 即 可 視 為 與 傳 統 品 種 同 樣 安 全 。