Researched by Ana J Chan
這真的是想人類達到長生不老? 還是正在逐步走向以科技控制人類,甚至直截了當把沒用的 “機器” 一把関掉?
(Source: http://newwavehk.blogspot.hk/2013/06/blog-post_20.html and http://www.catholic.org/technology/ story.php?id=51424)
機體的衰退造成人類壽命的限制,皇帝意欲長生不老便服食仙丹,那些顯然是沒用的。如果能將我們的肉身改換作人工裝置,而意識也遷移到主機設備中,人類是否真的可以長生不老?這聽起來雖然有點兒反人類,不過谷歌工程總監Ray Kurzweil卻真的提出了這樣的設想,並認為30年以後此設想就可實現。
若將道德倫理全部撕碎拋到一邊,Kurzweil在周末紐約舉行的全球未來2045國際會議(Global Futures 2045 International Congress)所提的這一概念是否令很多意圖不信春哥也期望得永生的人有了希望呢?這個較有科幻色彩的大會原本就是由俄羅斯富翁Dmitry Itskov發起的,主要內容便是由專家創想2045年世界將會變成什麼樣。
這真的是想人類達到長生不老? 還是正在逐步走向以科技控制人類,甚至直截了當把沒用的 “機器” 一把関掉?
(Source: http://newwavehk.blogspot.hk/2013/06/blog-post_20.html and http://www.catholic.org/technology/ story.php?id=51424)
機體的衰退造成人類壽命的限制,皇帝意欲長生不老便服食仙丹,那些顯然是沒用的。如果能將我們的肉身改換作人工裝置,而意識也遷移到主機設備中,人類是否真的可以長生不老?這聽起來雖然有點兒反人類,不過谷歌工程總監Ray Kurzweil卻真的提出了這樣的設想,並認為30年以後此設想就可實現。
若將道德倫理全部撕碎拋到一邊,Kurzweil在周末紐約舉行的全球未來2045國際會議(Global Futures 2045 International Congress)所提的這一概念是否令很多意圖不信春哥也期望得永生的人有了希望呢?這個較有科幻色彩的大會原本就是由俄羅斯富翁Dmitry Itskov發起的,主要內容便是由專家創想2045年世界將會變成什麼樣。
在Kurzweil所著的《The Singularity Is Near》一書中,他提及由於大腦和人類意志可永久地數字化保存,即便在他們的肉體殞滅後也依然如此,所以人們的精神便真正得以不朽。而在他的另一本著作《Fantastic Voyage》中,Kurzweil則詳細闡述了人類生物肢體可被非生物人工裝置代替的構想與技術。
在Kurzweil所著的《The Singularity Is Near》一書中,他提及由於大腦和人類意志可永久地數字化保存,即便在他們的肉體殞滅後也依然如此,所以人們的精神便真正得以不朽。而在他的另一本著作《Fantastic Voyage》中,Kurzweil則詳細闡述了人類生物肢體可被非生物人工裝置代替的構想與技術。

除了Kurzweil之外,仍有一些專家和研究都相繼在意志永生與人工假體的技術上做過努力。比如生物科技公司United Therapeutics的CEO Martine Rothblatt就曾提出過“意識克隆(mindclones)”概念。這一概念的基本內容同樣為人類意識思維的數字化,並詳談到可在數字設備中創建“意識文檔(mindfiles)”,存儲不同人的不同思維信息。她說整個過程可以在一種為意識設計的軟件中實現。
Humans will be able to upload their entire minds to computers and become digitally immortal within the next generation. That's the projection of a Google Futurist Ray Kurzweil, who also predicts that the biological parts of our body will be replaced with mechanical parts as shortly as 2100.
Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google made the claims during his conference speech at the Global Futures 2045 International Congress in New York.
Becoming digitally immortal is an event called "singularity." Technological singularity is the development of "super-intelligence" brought about through the use of technology. "Singularity" was first referred to by mathematician John von Neumann in the mid-1950s.
"Ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue," Von Neumann said.
Kurzweil cited von Neumann's use of the term in a foreword to von Neumann's classic "The Computer and the Brain," predicting that the singularity will occur around 2045.
The Global Futures 2045 International Congress is the brainchild of Russian multimillionaire Dmitry Itskov and featured visionary talks about how the world will look by 2045.
"Based on conservative estimates of the amount of computation you need to functionally simulate a human brain, we'll be able to expand the scope of our intelligence a billion-fold," Kurzweil said.
Referring to Moore's Law, Kurzweil stated the power of computing doubles, on average, every two years quoting the developments from genetic sequencing and 3D printing.
In his book, "The Singularity Is Near," he plots this development and journey towards singularity in a graph.
This singularity is also referred to as "digital immortality" because brains and a person's intelligence will be digitally stored forever -- even after they die.
Kurzweil says that this will be possible through neural engineering and referenced the recent strides made towards modeling the brain and technologies which can replace biological functions.
Expanding on this idea, CEO of bio-tech company United Therapeutics, Martine Rothblatt, introduced the idea of "mindclones," digital versions of humans that can live forever and can create "mindfiles" that are a place to store aspects of our personalities.
"The first company that develops mindware will have [as much success as] a thousand Googles," she says.
(Source: http://newwavehk.blogspot.hk/2013/06/blog-post_20.html and http://www.catholic.org/technology/story.php?id=51424)
Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google made the claims during his conference speech at the Global Futures 2045 International Congress in New York.
Becoming digitally immortal is an event called "singularity." Technological singularity is the development of "super-intelligence" brought about through the use of technology. "Singularity" was first referred to by mathematician John von Neumann in the mid-1950s.
"Ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue," Von Neumann said.
Kurzweil cited von Neumann's use of the term in a foreword to von Neumann's classic "The Computer and the Brain," predicting that the singularity will occur around 2045.
The Global Futures 2045 International Congress is the brainchild of Russian multimillionaire Dmitry Itskov and featured visionary talks about how the world will look by 2045.
"Based on conservative estimates of the amount of computation you need to functionally simulate a human brain, we'll be able to expand the scope of our intelligence a billion-fold," Kurzweil said.
Referring to Moore's Law, Kurzweil stated the power of computing doubles, on average, every two years quoting the developments from genetic sequencing and 3D printing.
In his book, "The Singularity Is Near," he plots this development and journey towards singularity in a graph.
This singularity is also referred to as "digital immortality" because brains and a person's intelligence will be digitally stored forever -- even after they die.
Kurzweil says that this will be possible through neural engineering and referenced the recent strides made towards modeling the brain and technologies which can replace biological functions.
Expanding on this idea, CEO of bio-tech company United Therapeutics, Martine Rothblatt, introduced the idea of "mindclones," digital versions of humans that can live forever and can create "mindfiles" that are a place to store aspects of our personalities.
"The first company that develops mindware will have [as much success as] a thousand Googles," she says.
(Source: http://newwavehk.blogspot.hk/2013/06/blog-post_20.html and http://www.catholic.org/technology/story.php?id=51424)